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Rewiring your brain

through EFT,






Tapping Points

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EFT tapping can 'rewire the brain' by changing the signals that have been repeatedly sent down the neurons regarding certain thoughts. The brain has an amazing ability to change and adapt to new experiences. Neuroscientists are continually confirming that our brains continuously morph when responding to our needs.


The walnut-shaped outer part of the brain is the neocortex where connections between nerve cells and neurons are made when you have a thought. When you repeatedly think the same thought over and over a permanent neural connection is made, however when you form a new connection regarding the same thought the old connection is dismantled and the new connection starts to be wired more permanently.


​ EFT tapping literally restructures the neocortex of your brain, changing the old neural connections as they become unused, creating new neural connections as they are made via the tapping process. This instant brain rewiring from tapping will bring an automatic adjustment to the way you think and experience life.


EFT tapping calms the brain’s fear centre, lowers the release of cortisol stress hormone into the body, eases or releases chronic pain and brings peace to unhappy memories creating calm emotions and positive thoughts and life experiences.


EFT  Tapping works swiftly to change negative thoughts, emotions and consequent behaviours in children and youth.  Young people are quick to learn tapping, rapidly turning the negative parts of their life around to one of positiveness and happiness.


EFT tapping is a clinically proven technique recognised to alleviate the effects of trauma in a very short time. It is used with great success with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, notably with war veterans where no other therapy or drugs has previously worked.



There is compelling clinical evidence that EFT is very effective in treating mental health issues such as anxiety and depression where a positive cognitive shift quickly occurs. The fields of epigenetics, neural plasticity, psychoneuroimmunology, and evolutionary biology confirms the central link between emotion and physiology, and points to somatic stimulation as the element common to emerging psychotherapeutic methods. 

(Dawson Church, National Institute for Integrative Healthcare)

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